The installation of all sorts of Bishops – Diocesan, Military, Presiding – is almost routine at the Cathedral, and it would be a chore to figure out how many Dirksen played or arranged in 49 years.
The second was the Installation of John Maury Allin as Presiding Bishop in 1974. Dirksen arranged the services across 24 hours: the Holy Eucharist at 6 p.m. Monday, June 10 (with the Cathedral in ordinary seating), then the Celebration of a New Ministry and Seating at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 11 with the Nave chairs turned to create “choir” seating.
A remarkable thing happened during the Te Deum. In Wayne’s words: Toward the end of this anthem the bishops entered in two single columns down the side aisles, met in the crossing, and then proceeded west to fill the 124 facing chairs, 62 on each side of the nave aisle. The last two were Bishops Creighton (DC) and Hines (the outgoing PB), who turned eastward in the crossing and went up into the choir to their stalls. Tremendous applause begins at a most appropriate place near the end of the Te Deum; it was not planned, but a spontaneous demonstration of admiration and respect for John Hines as he proceeded to his stall for the last time.
The closing hymn was Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Sine Nomine, For all the saints, to which Dirksen gave special attention. It brought the two days’ events to a ringing conclusion.
Program notes from the recording.