D No: 137
Text - Incipit: Holy little child
Cross Reference: Holy little child; Saint Petit Enfant
Text - Author or Scripture: Anna Fitch Ardenghi (1887 –1980)
Performing Forces: unison hb
Date Published: MS
Date of Composition: 1975
Notes: Poem by Mrs. Anna Fitch Ardenghi in French, “Saint petit Enfant,” also tr. Eng. She gave the Great Organ in 1938, and contributed generously to the renovation in 1972. We corresponded over several years and she signed herself as “Old Driftwood.” “Holy little child” was in a slender volume of lovely poems she had written and published. I set it, had one of our solo boys sing it, taped it and sent it to her for a Christmas present. The following Christmas she was still alive (though rapidly failing in her late eighties), and heard the choir boys sing it on the NBC-TV broadcast.
The NBC telecast recording.
It varies interestingly from the score above.
Categorized as: 100 Sacred Choral
Tagged as: Christmas, handbells, unison