D No: 363
Performing Forces: SATB, org, narr
Date Published: MS
Date of Composition: 1961
Notes: A Christmas pageant arranged, written and composed with Sara Best, drama director of the National Cathedral School in 1961. Original music for the choir: The people that walked in darkness, Gloria in excelsis Deo and Give the King thy Judgments, O God; from an earlier pageant, Hodie, Christus natus est (composed for the “Four motets” in 1959), and Rex Pacificus, the anthem published by Flammer in 1971 as Nowell, sing we, both all and some. A fanfare for organ on Christmas themes is used at the opening and closing. (Performance time 1 hour)
Categorized as: 300 Canticles & Liturgies
Tagged as: narrator, organ, pageantChristmas, SATB