Full score & video.
D No: 320
Text - Author or Scripture: 1928 texts
Performing Forces: two voices, org
Date Published: CE 91
Date of Composition: 1991
Dedication: In thanksgiving for former & present WC Choir boys & men and directors for the music-making from 1942 until 1991.
Notes: First performed by the boys of the choir in the Bethlehem Chapel at the service marking the completed organ renovation in the spring of 1992. Commissioned by former boys of the cathedral choir as part of Dirksen's retirement honors presentation in April 1991.
Nunc Dimittis:
Audio is from Pro Organo 7128, Sing Aloud!, Girl Choristers of Washingont Nat’l Cathedral, Bruce Neswick, director, Douglas Major, organist. Licensed courtesy of Zarex Corporation, www.ProOrgano.com.
Categorized as: 300 Canticles & Liturgies
Tagged as: anthem, canticle, liturgy, organ, trebles, womens voices