“Captain Kidd buried treasure / as most pirates usually do.” The text by a NCS 4th grade student struck Wayne’s fancy.
800 Extended Works
Seven movement oratorio with libretto from the Book of Jonah and Father Mapple’s sermon in Melville’s Moby Dick.
The Temper
Setting of Herbert’s poem for SATB, orchestra, piano solo, and five (5) chanting choirs. Composed for the 60th anniversary of the National Cathedral School and involving all 380 students.
804 – The Fiery Furnace
Composed for the Dedication of the Cathedral’s South Transept. This addition of space led to a dramatic disposition of forces: The school Glee Clubs with fanfare trumpets in the North Transept balcony; the Men & Boys Choir with chamber orchestra in the South balcony, and the full Choral Society with organ and timpani in the Great Choir.
A Song for Simeon
Composed upon the death of T. S. Eliot in February 1965. A setting of his “Song for Simeon”.