Complete show here.From an 1854 Christmas Pantomime of William Makepeace Thackery. Magical tokens cause the holders to love or be loved, bringing personal and political problems to the kingdom of Crim Tartary.
D No: 604
Text - Author or Scripture: RWD and Joan Shaw Dirksen
Performing Forces: SATB, piano
Date Published: CE 93
Date of Composition: 1959
Notes: An operetta in two acts Libretto by Joan Dirksen, adapted from a Christmas pantomime written by William M. Thackery under the pseudonym of W. A. Titmarsh. Lyrics are by the composer in cooperation with the author. The plot concerns the country of Paflagonia, ruled by a gluttonous regent, who has himself called “King” Valorosa and who is denying his nephew, Prince Giglio, his rightful access to the throne. Paflagonia’s relationship to the country of Crim Tartary are also involved, for Prince Bulbo is making a visit of state in high hopes of arranging his marriage to Princess Angelica, the daughter of Valarosa. There are witches who put a curse on Count Gruffanuff by turning him into a doorknocker, and a magic rose and a magic ring keep getting accidentally or purposefully passed around and cause no end of high-and-low jinks and misunderstandings. They Prime Minister of Paflagonia, Glumboso, and the Countess Gruffanuff have plots afoot to feather their own nests, and the poor chambermaid, Betsinda, is in and out of love with everyone at some time or other. But finally all ends happily and toasts are raised to a positive future for the rightful heir, Prince Giglio, as he finally takes his throne and the hand of Betsinda. It was first staged and performed by the glee clubs of the National Cathedral School for Girls and the St. Alban School for Boys in the Whitby Gymnasium of the girl’s school in the first week of May, 1959. In 1968 it was repeated—it would be my final performance with those wonderful glee clubs. Index of musical numbers: Act I, scene 1—(short scene, no music) Scene 2—Vivat Valorosa!, Valorosa and chorus; Scene 3—Marriage of State, Princess Angelica, Queen Serena, Betsinda and the ladies-in-waiting; The Big Main Chance, Countess Gruffanuff and Prime Minister Glumboso; Lucky Giglio, Valorosa and Glumboso; Reprise: Lucky Giglio, add chorus; Scene 4—Entry Fanfares for Prince Bulbo, chorus; Get it in writing, Countess Gruffanuff; Reprise: The Big Main Chance, with chorus; Scene 5—Serenade for a Chambermaid, Betsinda and chorus; Scene 6—Finale: Weep for Bulbo, chorus. Act II, scene 1—Remember the good old nights, Blackstick, Bungstorm, and Squint (the three witches); Scene 2—A little determination, the witches, Prince Giglio, and Betsinda; Scene 3—olio; Scene 4—Why is Bulbo in a Tizzy, Bulbo, Angelica, Serena, Valorosa, Glumboso, Captain Hedzoff and chorus; Finale: Raise your glasses high!, entire Ensemble. (Performance time 1 hour and 40 minutes)
Categorized as: 600 Theater
Tagged as: operetta, piano, SATB